Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Thursday evening...

It's Thursday evening and I can't come up with a better title than that.  Wow.  That kind of stinks.

Anyway.  The past few days have been long and tiring.  My counterpart on swing shift has been on vacation and so I've had to cover for him in a few areas.  It's cooking up to be a great week for some good overtime and overtime helps get us closer to financial freedom from unnecessary debt. 

On that note, I'd like to share a couple things that I heard on Dave Ramsey the other night (I don't remember his exact words so I'm paraphrasing).  He was reading some messages from listeners and making comments (as he always does).  Well, one was from a young lady who had recently lost a friend to suicide provoked by a rather desperate financial situation.  He was deeply in debt and apparently saw no other way out.  Dave's comment was that debt really is deadly.  Financial woes are the leading cause of suicide among men (relationship woes are the leading cause of suicide among women).  Deadly as debt is, it's a temporary condition.  There are ways out.  It's extraordinarily sad that people resort to permanent fixes to a temporary dilemma. So, get out of debt.  Stay out of debt and never incur debt whenever it is humanly possible.  Plan ahead.  Build up an emergency fund.  Save for that toy rather than finance.  (I'm saying most of this for my sake, BTW)  Next he read one from a gentleman who had to get new tires (I think it was tires).  He took the full amount needed out of his emergency  fund, no credit card required, paid back the amount he had used from his emergency fund rather than just letting it grow back at the previous rate and was back on track in just a few months.  Talk about an interest free loan.

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