Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It's Wednesday morning and it's raining.  I laid out concrete and set rocks in it for a downspout shute last night but this morning it's raining.  So, to prevent the still very green/wet concrete from washing away, I covered it with a tarp.  Yeah.  Don't want my hard work and resources washing away.

With that said.  I would like to move onto the tidbit of the day. 
On today they have an article about what to save for first.  Well, before saving for anything really, they said to pay off the high interest debts.  Can't swim upstream with a millstone about ones neck.  Next they said to build a buffer against losing ones job of at least 3 months wages.  Then 6-9 months wages after that.  While that's going on, if possible, start putting away for retirement.  If your employment offers 401(k) savings match, take it.  It's free money.  (I didn't really do much with this until a couple years ago when my supervisor basically laid things out what the 401(k) would do for me and called me stupid, in a gentle way, for not already participating)  After all that start saving for other things.  Even your kids' college funds should come after all that because there are far more options for college funding than retirement funding.  Personally, I've been saving for my kids' college fund since they were babies.  Oh wait.  One still is a baby and the other is a toddler.  Love those two.  :)  Anyway.  Read the article at

Until later. 
Seth Lighthouse

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